« Although current debates on healthcare data often focus overly on potential risks and misuses of the data, benefits to be reaped from extending healthcare data usage are in fact immense. A multitude of use cases are there to prove the extensive value being created by data analytics, across all stakeholders of the healthcare system, including patients, healthcare professionals and providers, payers, researchers, biopharma and medical device companies, regulators and healthcare authorities.«
The Healthcare Data Institute is pleased to publish its first White Paper: Unlocking the full potential of data analytics for the benefit of all.
‘Unlocking the full potential of data analytics for the benefit of all’
Working group members:
- Guillaume Couillard, Hospices Civils de Lyon
- Patrice Denèfle, Roche
- Claude Gissot, Cnamts
- Bruno Grossin, Asip Santé
- Charles Guépratte, Institut Gustave Roussy
- Isabelle Hilali, Orange Healthcare
- Ludovic Lamarsalle, Heva
- Thomas London, McKinsey&Company
- Nathalie Manaud, Aviesan
- Patrick Olivier, Vedici&Vitalia
- Pablo Prados, Sanofi
- Stéphane Sclison, IMS Health
- Karine Szwarcensztein, Ethicon
- Carol Umhoefer, DLA Piper