Data Science at the heart of massive Health Data

septembre 26, 2017

The rise of digital technology seems to have undergone a historical shift. The proliferation and massification of data, which is also called the « ubiquity and the Internet of objects« , involves a large number of areas of people’s lives. It affects all sectors of activity, including Medicine and the broader field of Health. This digital revolution […]

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How data management contributes to inventing the cancerology of tomorrow

juillet 19, 2017

UNICANCER Federation unites all of the French Comprehensive Cancer Centers (FCCC): these 20 private non-profit health institutions, located in the main French towns, are exclusively devoted to healthcare, research, education and training in oncology. The leading edge in oncology, key players nationally and internationally, the FCCC are part of the public health service and provide […]

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« MoiPatient » : exemple d’un projet Big Data porté par les patients

juin 27, 2017

Le Big Data sera un véritable facteur de progrès pour la santé si chacun peut en comprendre les règles – illustration à travers le projet MoiPatient   La santé, un domaine d’experts La santé a longtemps été un domaine d’expertise réservé exclusivement aux professionnels de santé, et tout particulièrement aux médecins. Aujourd’hui des moyens colossaux […]

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Expanding our impact

mai 23, 2017

Dear HDI members, As I take my position as President of our institute, I want to invite you all to consider what we can do to go further together, so that we can make the Healthcare Data Institute a leading and long-lasting think tank on Big Data in the health sector. Of course, we can […]

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The production of healthcare data: ensuring that the system starts and ends with the patient

avril 19, 2017

The first case studies for educational purposes date from 1600 BC, described on an Egyptian papyrus (Al-Awqati 2006), and documents describing patients can be found throughout antiquity. From the 17th century onwards, this process has been expanding, always with an objective of teaching and anatomical and diagnostic research (Gillum 2013), but it was only in […]

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[French] Les pathologistes à l’ère du digital : du diagnostic à l’exploitation des data

mars 14, 2017

Une spécialité médicale clé face à de nouveaux défis Les pathologistes, médecins spécialistes en anatomie et cytologie pathologiques (ACP), posent les diagnostics de maladies ou de lésions à partir de prélèvements tissulaires et cellulaires provenant de l’activité chirurgicale, obstétricale, médicale ou radiologique. Aux côtés de la biologie et de la radiologie, l’ACP est l’un des […]

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[French] Le patient acteur de santé : à qui appartiennent les données de santé ? Quels droits sur ses données ? Quel rôle pour le patient ?

février 15, 2017

Le progrès des technologies de l’information requiert et permet aujourd’hui la collecte et le traitement massif de données, de données personnelles et de données de santé. Les données sont devenues une valeur cardinale de l’économie numérique. Cette valorisation de la donnée n’exclut pas les données de santé, bien au contraire. Dans ce contexte, le Healthcare […]

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Ethics at the heart of digital processing of health data

janvier 18, 2017

Nowadays, it has become almost inconceivable that digitized personal data should not have an application within modern medicine. The emergence of e-health, telemedicine, m-health, NBDC (Nanotechnologies, Biotechnologies, Data Processing and Cognitive Sciences) and Big Data modifies the health benefit, the doctor-patient relationship, and the scientific understanding of the human body and illnesses. The exploitation of […]

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White Paper « Big Data & Prevention: from Prediction to Demonstration »

janvier 10, 2017

Taking action to prevent epidemics, identifying risk factors as soon as possible in order to avoid diseases or slow their development, predicting predisposition to particular infections from birth, and so on. These are among the goals stated time and time again by scientists and representatives of the medical community. Up to now, the response to […]

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